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Full text message of 'IItMARSHFIELD Great SCHOOL. MARSHFIELD Mother.35V1983 JUNIOR-SENIOR PROMPromThe course of “84' kept the yearly Junior-Senior Prom on April 29, 1983 atChristo's II in Bróckton. “Just You ánd I actually” by Crystal Gayle and Eddié Rabbittwas the style song that set the disposition for this unforgettable event. The night's entertainment was supplied by the energetic band Euphoria. A spectacular menus for the occasion included leading rib, potato, glazed celery, Greek salad, Iand snow cream cake. IThe Prom Full was Tracey Gray who was éscorted by Ricky Batts.
Hér courtroom.was made up of Cáryn Amiss with Kévin Olivolo, Tammy GrafieId with herdate Stéve Hocking and Wéndy Powell éscorted by Ken Master. 'The time before the prom a Learners Against Drunk Driving rally had been kept withhonorary chairperson Robin Little presiding. The learners, parents, and schoolofficials set up an crisis hotline Prom night which led to thesafety and achievement of the night time. The course of “84” would especially including tothank our spectacular class consultant.Mister. Gardner for his assist and supportwithout which this exclusive night time would not really have become possible.1983 HOMECOMINGHomecoming: 1983Oin October I, 1983 Marshfiled High Schoolplayed against Tauntón for our HomécomingGame. Halftime activities included theM.H.S.
Music group and crowning the Double andher courtroom. The full has been Laura Callis. Hérfirst runner-up had been Jane Brady and her sec-ond-runner-up was Kerri Shaughnessy. 0thermembers of the royaI courtroom were TammyGarfield and Wéndy Powell. The last scoreof the sport was Rams-7; Taunton-6.
Thatnight the Essential Club financed the Homecom-ing Dance, where the Full, Ben Concannon,has been crowned and runner-ups were Joe Shee-hán, Darryl Riggins, David Rand and NickNobili.I1984 Wave1r. Peterson can be a quite special person. He offers helped and prompted many students in his function with both the NationalHonor Society and Beds.A.Chemical.G. Because of his dedication. Peterson certainly does even more than can be anticipated of him.
TheCIass of '84 will never forget Mr. Or his Pác-1an dependency.DEDICATIONHow does one begin to explain Mister. He can be open, ready to pay attention, and often utilizes his droll feeling of wit tobreak up what otherwise might become another grinding day time at M.H.T. McVarish can make both learners and himself have a good laugh.Whatever the case, it will become simple to remember Mr. McVarish, Rex Sciéntiae Latinae.ADMINISTRATIONCHO(ADMINISTR0FFIClJack Braithwaitc. Dir óf SpecialHducaliunSealed: Mark Creed.
Ralph DeOrsay. Phyllis Danc-School Committee.Standing: Raymond Joyal- SchooICommittee. Daniel Bresnahan- Supérintendent, Peter Noyes-School Committee, Helen Simmons-Secrelary, Paul McDonald-Assl. Supérintendent.Robert Járvis, Asst. PrincipalDaniel Péarce,.Asst. PrincipalPeter Déftos.
PrincipalArthur Barry. Principal20FACULTYDonald Abbott, Public Studies Head.Penelope Baltera, MathStephen Bartlett, Sociable Studiesl.awrence Bissonnétte, ScienceCieraldine Cameron, BngIishMaryann Capuzzi, MathStephen ChimineIlo, Public Studies.lohn Colella, Technology21Ann Cronin. Y oreign LanguageNanc Currie.
House Lc.Ronald DiGravió. Alhiclic DirectorPatricia Dóran. Foreign LanguagéBernard Dupuis. GuidanceDarlene CuIlen. Foreign LanguageShirley Héndrickson.
LibrarianMark Herman. lndustrial ArtsCatherine Houses. ArtThomas Holland.
Industrial ArtsDenise Hérn. EnglishEdward Hupprich. EngIishMichael Hern. Public StudiesGail larrobino. EnglishMary Ann Kauffman.
MathNora Glynn. Physical EducationJohn Lalumierc. Head23Randall Appear. ScienceKenneth m.oihrop. Sciencetry I-ong. ScienceRobert MacConneIl, PhysicalHducationMarilyn Mandile, GuidancéMarry Mcl.ellan.
lndustrial ArtsThomas McMahon. Social StudiesJohn MeVarish, Foreign LanguageMary Montanari, MathRobert Montminy. MathIi1124Virginia Ross, English Dcpi. HeadMark RobcrIs, Industrial ArtsCarl Sampsón.
Press ServicesDirectorKarl Peterson, ScienceMeredith Peterson, EnglishJohn Putnam, Research Dept. HeadRonald Richárd. BuildingConstructionEredrick Podbciski, Sciéncef.Jayne Peterson.
Public StudiesNancy Prisco. EnglishGail Roycroft, Guidance HeadCounselorAnn Ryan. Adjustmént CounselorDorothy Sanderson, d orcignEanguage25Mary Smith. NurseJane Schuli7.elizabeth. Adjustment CounselorEdythe Sweeney. RéadingAnthony Steward. Industrial ArtslRosanne Teixeira.
EnglishSandra Small. BusinessDennis Zicko. Research.a1adelyn DéRosa, MathDawn Roberts. SubstitutéVirginia Parks, SecretaryEdith Barzclay. SecretaryMarie Malloy, LibrarianSylvie McKccvcr, SecretaryBarbara Worden. SecretaryBill Boyd, Custodian-W cync BearseMead CustodianMary Smith, Donna SmithComputers27THANKS FOR THE MEMORIESMr.
Gardner is usually certainly the finest consultant a classcould possess. He cares for the college students, worksclose with thém with their exact same passion, andeven attempts to become amusing (although it usually neglects).His dynamic personality serves as a major in-fluence mainly because well as an encouraging force in activi-ties the class is included in. He has served asboth an excellent teacher and a great friendto many in the class. It is definitely this uniqueness thathelped to make the course of 1984 one to beremembered.SENIORS31J ANK ABBRI Z/KSK. - Crisis Club1.4; Marshalairs 1.2, 3, 4.KF-IIH ADAMS - State HonorSociety 3,4; Student Authorities 4, Important Club4; Course Committees 4; Rugby Golf club 3,4.IIRKSA AI.We.KN - AhS l; Marsha-lairs l; O.T.A 4C ARVN AMISS - Essential Club 1.2; AKS1.2; Yearbook Staff 1.
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